FOR THE CIUSSS du Nord de l'Île de Montréal!
The COVID-19 pandemic affects us all in one way or another and has brought increased pressure to bear on Quebec's health care system.
To address a bed shortage, CIUSS du Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal had to quickly build a 96-bed facility. Modular construction was the obvious solution.
In collaboration with Pomerleau Construction, RCM Group Modular Solutions successfully met the project’s very tight schedule while staying on budget.
Only five months after landing the contract, the Pomerleau & RCM team delivered the promised 96 beds.
The project took only a quarter of the time that a standard construction project would have taken.
We are proud to have contributed to this Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur project and to have pushed our limits. Innovation is one of our core values, and it is through projects like these that we prove we can achieve the impossible.